The pick-up and delivery of caravans, campers and cars is the main part of managing a caravan storage. This is why we have put the most time in making this process as efficient as possible. Read the steps below to see how this process works.
The customer fills in a short form on your website with their customer number, e-mail adres and date & time of pick-up. If you don’t have a website we can create one for you.
The appointment is automatically scheduled in your phone. The app shows the customer number, location of the object, the license plate and a possible personal message (see screenshot on the left).
After placing the object outside you can mark the appointment as “Done”.
Build in restriction like being able to only make an appointment with a minimum of 48h upfront.
We show a notification if a customer did not yet pay their bill.
No more time wasted on the planning of pick-up appointments!
Customer brings their caravan to the storage.
By entering either the customer number, name or license plate you can load the object in the app.
Our app will add all the necessary information like the location of the object.
After placing the object inside you can mark the appointment as “Done”. The app automatically keeps track of which object is inside the storage or away.
The system automatically tells you where the object needs to be stored.
The whole process can be managed from your phone.
Yes, our app can be configured for storages with fixed spots and with flexible spots. If you work with flexible spots the app will ask you where you have left the object.
Yes, our app works on every phone that has access to internet.
We can make a simple website for you. We charge only a small fee for this. Contact us for more information.
We place a contact form on your website!
Fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible